One of my longtime clients asked me to update some rooms in their home. Their style is traditional, but they wanted to give some rooms a new, fresh look using existing furniture. We started in the dining room because they said it felt so uninviting due to "The high end of the market still wants a formal dining room. They may not use it that way, but they want it." "Most of our listings have dining rooms," said Strong. "The most popular style house in Westchester is still the center hall colonial, and that Adler added that he only began using the living room of his Manhattan apartment after he put a ping-pong table in it. Yet in some neighborhoods old habits die hard. For instance, on Manhattan’s Upper East Side a formal dining room is still a must. But before your clients rush into major structural changes to rid their home of a formal dining space, here are some options that may affordably meet their needs. Some builders, architects, and real estate pros have said dining rooms are a thing of the In which I reference the “use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without” school of thought. In which I reference the “use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without” school of thought. 152 0 0 4 0 I laughed when I read this post over at Dining rooms can become boring, unused spaces if you’re not careful. Many of us seem to think that having a formal dining room means that it has to be furnished with traditional, matching furniture. Well, keep your dining room, but relax the style so it .
Many homes have dining rooms with very traditional furniture or decorative family heirlooms that imply a strict level of formality. To dodge this effect, don't be afraid to mix and match your more classic pieces with contemporary ones to achieve a look Ah, memories. Granny would be intrigued to learn that today’s dining rooms often serve as playrooms, nurseries, home offices, and in some cases, exhibition halls for superhero figurines. Modern lifestyles just don’t call for traditional dining areas There's also a dog bed for the family Labrador: "She likes to be in the same room with us as we watch TV." The Dubbs eat most of their meals at a banquette area in the kitchen. Their formal drop-leaf dining table is parked against a wall in the living room Honestly, if our modern apartment had a formal dining room, it would’ve been turned over to a work or hobby space. I wonder if this is just practicality speaking, or if I’m contributing to the decline of "nice things," like dining rooms and letter writing. .